Strolling Highland cow canvas print


Highland cow canvas print featuring a highland cow strolling by themselves, perhaps heading to the feeding station or watering hole. Plenty of greens in this image, ideal for a natural themed home decor.


Highland cow canvas print featuring a highland cow strolling by themselves, perhaps heading to the feeding station or watering hole. Plenty of greens in this image, ideal for a natural themed home decor.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions N/A
Canvas size

10" x 8" (approx. 25cm x 20cm), 12" x 8" (approx. 30cm x 20cm), 16" x 12" (approx. 40cm x 30cm), 20" x 16" (approx 50cm x 40cm), 30" x 20" (approx 76cm x 40cm)